Thanks to T-Priority’s use of a 5G SA network and the network slice reserved for T-Priority users, these first responders take advantage of faster data speeds and lower latency even during times when there is peak traffic. T-Priority also gives first responders access to top equipment suppliers including Motorola Solutions, Ericsson, and 3rd-Eye Technologies, Inc. The goal for T-Mobile is to give first responders “A consistent 5G experience that will evolve to meet the changing needs of the first responder mission, backed by a dedicated, award-winning support system, to be ready when it matters most.”
[img center inline [[426456]]:”This Thursday, T-Mobile says that it will make a major announcement related to its 5G powered T-Priority service for first responders. | Image credit-T-Mobile”]
Think about how a disaster can result in heavy cellular traffic even though first responders need to be able to communicate with each other to arrange for the triage and transport of victims to the hospital. Thanks to the use of a 5G slice by first responders, regardless of the traffic on the network, the T-Priority network will be able to provide police, fire, rescue, and medical teams with the means to communicate using a speedy 5G network. The network has enough bandwidth to handle multiple events each demanding that first responders work together to safely rescue those in serious danger of losing their lives.
In just a couple of days, T-Mobile appears ready to announce how it will improve its T-Priority service. Keep checking in with us at PhoneArena and we should be able to give you details of T-Mobile‘s announcement late Thursday afternoon.