IBM is making another round of layoffsfocused this time in the United States and with Cloud Classic as division most affected by exits. According to The Register, the company has not publicly recognized the layoffs made, which They could affect up to 9,000 jobswhile several internal sources point out that they are part of a plan to restructure several departments and relocate jobs, hiring in countries like India.
The layoffs in the Cloud Classic division will reach, according to these same sources, to a quarter of their employees. Another of the departments that will suffer more dismissals is the cloud group, a different division from the previous one, which will lose up to 10% of its positions.
The exits are concentrated in several American cities, among which are Dallas, New York, Raleigh and several of California; And in addition to the aforementioned departments, they have also affected the areas of consulting, cloud infrastructure, corporate social responsibility, internal IT and sales.
The Classic Cloud area covers the original cloud infrastructure platform of the company, known a time ago as Softlayer, and which IBM acquired in 2013. It is a platform that offers various services, ranging from vestal and virtual servers to storage and network solutions. All work in a traditional cloud environment.
Although IBM continues to offer support and maintain its cloud classic infrastructure, it has also launched a more advanced cloud environment, IBM Cloud VPC (Virtual Private Cloud, that is, virtual private cloud). It is a platform that offers improved hardware, better network performance (up to 200 Gbps compared to 25 of the classic cloud), greater flexibility in resource management and security functions that also exceed those of Cloud Classic. It is hoped, therefore, that the users of Cloud Classic end up going through Cloud VPC, and hence the layoffs in it.
These layoffs are added to those made in recent weeks in their marketing and communications department, in a drip of company outputs in recent months. IBM is taking various measures to reduce its workforce, ranging from direct layoffs and restructuring, to the implementation of policies so that employees decide to leave the company voluntarily.
One of these measures is to force its employees to go to the company’s offices at least three times a week, tracking workers’ identifiers to verify that they effectively meet this measure.
Apparently, according to internal sources, IBM restructuring is far from finishing, and the layoffs are expected to continue of personnel Meanwhile, the company continues with the purchase of companies and the elimination of positions that it considers obsolete or that relocates work teams in other countries.