November, and as usual in Mexico’s Bienestar aid program, means the final payment schedule (as they are bimonthly, they are for November/December). In addition, it can now be applied for up to three payments depending on the personal situation of each applicant. As we always say, look for a pen and paper and take note because registrations have deadlines.
Beneficiaries. We have told it on several occasions. The star program is the Wellbeing Pension for older adults, the social program initiated in Mexico whose purpose is to provide economic support to adults who live in one of the 32 entities of the country. We are talking about a bimonthly aid of up to 6,000 bimonthly pesos whose delivery is made through Wellbeing Cards.
Furthermore, to request this pension it is essential to be at least 65 years old (recently turned or older) and to gather and present your current official identification (voter ID, card, professional ID, passport, identity card, Inapam credential), the legible birth certificate, CURP, proof of address no older than six months (electricity, water, gas, telephone or property), and a contact telephone number.
A special month. As we said, November is something different, because in addition to the final calendar until the end of the year for this government aid to the elderly, an extra payment is included for IMSS and ISSSTE pensioners (and for the elderly enrolled in the Welfare Pension, for example). course), in both cases these are the two main public social security institutions. Let’s see what they consist of.
Triple payment for IMSS. The IMSS payment (intended for private sector workers) will be the usual payment of the pension that the person receiving it normally receives, an amount that will begin to be deposited as of November 1. However, this month a second payment is also included in the form of a bonus that does not have an exact date, although the government indicates that it will be “during the month of November.”
This last aid will only be directed and may be received by pensioners under the protection of the Law of 73. In addition, the last of the payments to IMSS pensioners is the one corresponding to the Welfare Pension for Older Adults.
Triple payment for ISSSTE. Social Security for workers in the federal public sector (ISSSTE) also comes with triple payment like those of the IMSS, and under the same concepts. In this case, the usual pension payment began to be delivered on October 31. The first part of the bonus will be delivered the first fortnight of November, and the bimonthly payment of the Welfare Pension will be in the first weeks of the same month (see calendar below).
Welfare Pension Calendar. Finally, below we will detail the dates of entry of aid for Seniors until the end of the year, which would be as follows:
![Calenp Novdic2024 2](
![Calenp Novdic2024 2](
- Monday, November 4: Letter A
- Tuesday, November 5: Letter B
- Wednesday, November 6: Letter
- Thursday, November 7: Letra C
- Friday, November 8: Letters D, E, F
- Monday, November 11: Letter G
- Tuesday, November 12: Letter G
- Wednesday, November 13: Letras H, I, J, K
- Thursday, November 14: The letter L
- Friday, November 15: Letter M
- Tuesday, November 19: Letter M
- Wednesday, November 20: Letters N, Ñ, O
- Thursday, November 21: Letters P, Q
- Friday, November 22: Letter R
- Monday, November 25: Letter R
- Tuesday, November 26: Letter S
- Wednesday, November 27: Letras T, U, V
- Thursday, November 28: Letras W, X, Y, Z
How to know if they made the payment to me. Last, but not least, remember that to verify that the money has been deposited, users can access the official website of the Welfare government and enter the Unique Population Registration Code (CURP).
If we are registered in the program, the day to receive the deposit can be reviewed, although it is also possible to make the consultation by calling the Wellbeing service number 800-639-42-64.
Image | Secretary of Culture, Older Adults
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