According to a study by the IDC consultant, By 2028 a vast majority of companies will be using PCs with AI. These types of equipment can help solve key problems when using artificial intelligence in data centers and in the cloud, and in fact almost all companies that already have them operations, or who plan to Buy them, plan to use them to work with the cloud -based platforms.
The study, which has had AMD sponsors Your employees use it in the future.
To make the report, the 2023 AMD commercial survey was also taken as a reference, which shows that the company’s decision makers were optimistic about the benefits of AI for their organizations, although they had enough challenges that were going to impact their large -scale expansion.
When buying the data of this new IDC survey with the aforementioned AMD survey, it was clear that the safety risks remain the main barrier for decision makers to adopt the tools and platforms with the cloud based. But the concern for them has fallen significantly: 67% of two years ago to 32% that they reflect from IDC.
In addition, decision makers are more optimistic about the possibility that PCs with the productivity than the adoption of AI in general. They believe it, 76%, compared to 67% who thought about 2023. In addition, 82% of respondents see PCs with AI as positive for workers, and expects to invest in a new hardware before the end of 2025.
But costs are one of the main brakes for projects. For smaller entities, deploying a single instance of generative in internal level can cost between $ 50,000 and half a million. For larger companies, costs can be fired until they reach several million dollars. In addition, the use of a cloud supplier entails safety and privacy risks, since companies have to depend on foreign suppliers.
It is expected that by 2030 companies invest 42,000 million dollars a year in generative projects. Among them chatbots, research, marketing and summaries generation tools. And although AI is called to become a prominent driver of productivity, it still has to get the ROI in generative. Therefore, around one in three projects related to it will be abandoned.
74% of those surveyed by IDC expect PCs to improve the total property cost, since they will natively offer the efficiencies that technology promises. Companies also trust to measure soon the benefits of deployment of these equipment. 87%, in fact, already say they are ready to track the ROI, and almost half are willing to pay 10% more by PCs that incorporate NPUS of more than 40 tops.
The three main functions of the PCs with AI that respondents stand out more with personalized experiences for employees (77%), the improvement of data privacy (75%) and better prevention of safety risks (74%).
The PCs with AI can address the privacy and compliance problems of regulations executing the workloads with the premises, lowering the need to have cloud connectivity for it, and therefore the possibility of data gaps. In sectors such as financial and health allow the process of sensitive data at home, ensuring compliance with certain regulations, such as Hipa.
In addition, as independent software suppliers integrate the functions of the IA in local, and companies are updated to Windows 11, the PCs on Ia will become more common. 60% of companies plan to replace equipment with Windows 10, and 73% will accelerate their PCs replacement plans.
On the other hand, PCs with AI can expedite the resolution of IT problems, boost safety and automate tasks. Of course, although they can boost productivity, companies should collaborate with hardware and systems suppliers to understand how technology can go with the business objectives they have. In this way, according to IDC, they can «Help identify PCs solutions that address concrete challenges and can provide value«.
In this sense there are two key opportunities. The first goes through interact with service providers to be up to date with the software functions promoted by AIwhich will lead to strategic PCs displays with AI. The second implies work with hardware partnersand will allow us to understand the roadmaps to help in the optimization of the deployment in data centers and environments in the EDGE. In this way it will be possible to balance performance, costs and scalability.