The skyscrapers have obsessed us for centuries. There are plenty of examples such as the Italian Manhattan of almost 1,000 years ago, Manhattan herself, the batters that rose in China or what is being erected in Dubai. Whenever the construction of a new skyscraper is announced, something that comes to mind is: and the elevators … what? They are elements that can go unnoticed, but that is something that does not happen to huge elevator of the Jio World Center tower.
Not only is it the largest elevator in the world, but it is the size of a small floor and capacity for more inhabitants than many villages of emptied Spain. But it is not the only hyperascensor that attracts attention.
A bus without wheels. This elevator has no its own name, but, definitely, it deserves it. Created by the Finnish company Kone, the Jio World Center elevator in Mumbai has the capacity to house up to 235 people simultaneously. It is an absolute barbarity that has been designed to offer a transport as comfortable as possible for those who use it.
Not only does the decoration attract attention, with large windows and a sophisticated roof with design lamps, but it has its own ventilation system so that the route is as pleasant as possible even at maximum load. The elevator floor also has a very careful pattern and we only miss the occasional sofa to rest. Space is left over, of course.
Huge. Because the dimensions are recorded, with its weight of 16 tons and its surface of 25.78 m². It has several access doors to expedite the flow of users and the windows serve to have passengers have a panoramic view of both the convention center in which it is located and its gardens.
It only operates on five floors, but that does not make this elevator a real monstrosity. If you are wondering how the security measures, those responsible announced that the system is supported by 18 pulleys and the cabin moves on rails fixed in steel columns. The goal is for transportation to be as comfortable as possible, without accelerons or brakes. And all this is remotely monitored to avoid dislikes.
Your building is not far behind. The elevator is colossal, but its building is no less. The Jio World Center is a space dedicated to the great conventions. It is the largest in India and its exterior and interior design has no waste.
![JIO World Center](
![JIO World Center](
Is not the only one. Now, one thing must be clarified: that of Jio World Center is the largest elevator for people in the world both by weight and charging capacity, but there is a set that has nothing to envy: that of the Umeda Jankkyu Office Building In Osaka, Japan. Installed in 2010, these are five elevators of about 18 square meters with capacity for 80 people each.
Built by Mitsubishi, these elevators have more merit by having more work than that of the Indian Convention Center and transporting almost 400 simultaneous people through 15 plants.
![Bailong ascensor](
![Bailong ascensor](
El bailong
China, of course. But if you suspected that China, with its mega -structures, would not have a hyperascensor in any of them, you are right. In fact, it has two. One of them, the Bailong, an elevator that runs a height of 326 meters outdoors with capacity for 50 people at the same time and a speed of overwhelming three meters per second.
There are three double -floor elevators that operate simultaneously and were inaugurated in 2002. Their views are imposing, since they are next to a cliff.
And if we go to the industrialists… just as imposing, due to its capacity, it is the ship’s elevator of the three throats, also in China. It is an elevator that facilitates river traffic on the Yangtsé River and has a load capacity of up to 3,000 tons. Its platform is 120 meters long, 18 wide and 3.5 meters deep.
It is a demential structure that raises the ships at a height of 113 meters, an operation that has between 30 and 40 minutes and that, although it seems a lot, is much faster than the traditional system of locks to pass ships from one side to another.
Images | Kone, jio World Centre, Nnyx Ning
In WorldOfSoftware | The B face of the New York skyscrapers: more than 600 kilometers of permanent scaffolds that form bonds of terror