Looking for the most recent Mini Crossword answer? Click here for today’s Mini Crossword hints, as well as our daily answers and hints for The New York Times Wordle, Strands, Connections and Connections: Sports Edition puzzles.
The NYT Mini Crossword was a mix today. Some clues were DUH obvious (10-Across), whereas some could have many answers (9-Across). Need some help with today’s Mini Crossword? Read on. And if you could use some hints and guidance for daily solving, check out our Mini Crossword tips.
The Mini Crossword is just one of many games in the Times’ games collection. If you’re looking for today’s Wordle, Connections, Connections: Sports Edition and Strands answers, you can visit ‘s NYT puzzle hints page.
Read more: Tips and Tricks for Solving The New York Times Mini Crossword
Let’s get at those Mini Crossword clues and answers.
The completed NYT Mini Crossword puzzle for Feb. 15, 2025.
Mini across clues and answers
1A clue: Governing body of world soccer
Answer: FIFA
5A clue: “___ is a world within itself, with a language we all understand” (Stevie Wonder lyric)
Answer: MUSIC
6A clue: Opposite of rough
Answer: GENTLE
7A clue: Pictures that employ the “flip camera” button
8A clue: Away from the ocean
Answer: INLAND
9A clue: Earthenware pot
Answer: CROCK
10A clue: Clark ___ a.k.a. Superman
Answer: KENT
Mini down clues and answers
1D clue: Cool bit of trivia
2D clue: Admission of ineptitude
Answer: ISTINK
3D clue: Smoothed, as fingernails
Answer: FILED
4D clue: AAAA, in a deck
Answer: ACES
5D clue: Pittsburgh’s Carnegie ___ University
Answer: MELLON
6D clue: Rom-com or thriller
Answer: GENRE
7D clue: “Totally awesome!”
Answer: SICK
How to play more Mini Crosswords
The New York Times Games section offers a large number of online games, but only some of them are free for all to play. You can play the current day’s Mini Crossword for free, but you’ll need a subscription to the Times Games section to play older puzzles from the archives.