On Monday, Vivo unveiled its latest flagship smartphone, the X100 series, succeeding last year’s X90 series. These devices mark the introduction of the first Android phones powered by MediaTek’s new Dimensity 9300 chipset. The X100 Pro model boasts a Zeiss APO 100mm equivalent periscope lens. Both phones feature a 6.78-inch AMOLED display with curved edges, offering a 1.5K resolution, adaptive 120Hz refresh rate, HDR10+ support, and a peak brightness of 3,000 nits. The X100 series sports a triple rear camera setup, including a 50MP main sensor, a 50MP ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 64MP telephoto lens with 3x optical and 100x digital zoom, utilizing the Zeiss-certified Vario-APO-Sonar lens. The starting price of the X100 is RMB 3,999 ($550) for the basic 12GB + 256GB variant. [IThome, in Chinese]