Punctual like every week. Like every Saturday. As the child who gets up at seven in the morning and wakes you up on your rest day … here comes the Sabatino today.
The fact that? Yes, the special restrictions of today do not circulate, the project designed by the Ministry of Environment of the CDMX (Sedema) designed to reduce pollutant emissions present in the atmosphere. And, of course, the one who forces some cars at home.
This is because the operation It is very simple: if there are fewer cars there will be less air pollution. As simple as forcing the most polluting vehicles to circulate less.
Remember, yes, we talk about a project that does not apply throughout the country. Specifically, it is underway in the 16 mayors in Mexico City and in the following conurbation municipalities of the State of Mexico:
- Atizapán de Zaragoza
- Coacalco de Berriozábal
- Cuautitlán
- Cuautitlán Izcalli
- Chalco
- Chicoloapan
- Chimalhuacán
- Ecatepec de Morelos
- Huixquilucan
- Ixtapaluca
- La Paz
- Naucalpan de Juárez
- Nezahualcóyotl
- Nicolás Romero
- Tecámac
- cover of Baz
- Tultitlán
- Chalco Valley
What cars and plaques affect the Sabatino today
Once we have all this clear … What do we have to know about today? Basically, as you can check above, every day a vehicle rests, with the aim of restrictions are rotary.
During the week, it is the hologram and plate number that defines who and when they can circulate. However, On Saturdays they rotate And the restrictions are not always the same.
This leaves us in the following situation:
- Cars that can circulate every Saturday
- Cars that have to rest every Saturday
- Cars that rest on a Saturday yes and another
Restrictions, yes, do not apply all day. They are active between 05:00 and 10:00 p.m.. That is, at night we can move freely and without taking into account any type of restriction.
Clarified the basic concepts, what do we have to be clear about the Sabatino today? Basically, that all drivers are affected in one way or another but, of course, not in the same way.
This is because cars with hologram 0 and 00 may circulate freely and without fear of any type of restrictions. On the contrary, cars with hologram 2 will not be able to leave home or move any Saturday. We could say that they are the two sides of the same currency.
And what about Hologram 1? That rotate. Thus, depending on the Saturday in which we find ourselves they can circulate one or the other. This restriction is decided with the latest plate number. In this case, in the Saturday March 22as we are on the fourth Saturday of the month, it will be the cars with hologram 1 and plaque finished in even number those that remain at home.
Of course, we cannot forget that there are some exceptions that go beyond being able to circulate freely at night. Thus, the following cars can move with total freedom:
- Those that work for electricity, natural gas or are hybrid
- Those who have disabled plate
- All those dedicated to urban transport services (includes funerals)
- Those who offer school or passenger transport
- Those destined for public safety and/or civil protection
In case of breaching these restrictions, the fine will be 20 to 30 times the unit of measurement and update (ONE), which is equivalent to 1,924.40 pesos and even 2,886.60 pesos.
Photo | A baseline
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