Xiaomi Group’s chief executive officer Lei Jun revealed the company’s latest advancements in large language model (LLM) technology during a public speech on August 14, according to Chinese media outlet Yicai. Xiaomi’s LLM, featuring a massive 1.3 billion parameters, has successfully worked on mobile devices, with its capabilities in specific scenarios comparable to a 6 billion parameter model run in the Cloud, according to Lei. Additionally, Xiao Ai, Xiaomi’s AI-powered voice assistant product with over 110 million monthly active users, has now been integrated with LLM-supported capabilities such as long-form dialogue and intelligent question-answering. In April of this year, Xiaomi established a dedicated LLM research team to focus on the lightweight applications of large language models. Currently, the company has established a presence in 12 technological sectors and 99 specific segments, with an expected investment of over RMB 20 billion ($2.8 billion) in research and development in 2023, Lei remarked during his public speech. [Yicai, in Chinese]