If the system is already deployed in several French cities, it has just arrived on the roads of Île-de-France. The reserved routes already promise to try certain impatient drivers. And all the subterfuges of the world will not be enough to avoid the triggering of new generation radars, specially deployed for the occasion.
What changes?
On the Paris device, the left lane is now reserved, at peak hours, to vehicles carrying at least two passengers, as well as to public transport, taxis, emergency vehicles and those transporting people with reduced mobility.
Do not expect to cheat
While some lonely drivers may be tempted to cheat to access priority tracks, it is at their own risk: radars deployed on the road portions concerned will not be fooled by a inflatable doll or plush placed on the passenger seat. These control systems combining artificial intelligence and thermal sensors intend to wage war well for fraudsters. Unlike traditional cameras, these radars will indeed be able to detect the body heat of the occupants, thus detecting people even through tinted windows, in rainy weather or in the presence of fog.
Drivers may be tempted to use certain stratagems to get around these controls, but They may be quickly disappointed. In Strasbourg, where carpooling speed cameras since July 2024, experience has demonstrated the ineffectiveness of fraud attempts. FARECO, which equips the Parisian ring road with its radars, says that its devices will be perfectly capable of Human differentiating and inert mannequinor to overcome the reflections of certain tinted glasses. If the company also seems confident, it is because the device has already proven itself during the Paris 2025 Olympic Games, where it checked respect for the Olympic route.
Moderate efficiency … for the moment
This is the most important question about the implementation of this new system in Strasbourg, despite ten months of pedagogy before the start of verbalizations, 80% of motorists traveling on the carpooling route were still alone in their vehicle at the start of the year. Contraventions will not start for several months in the Paris region for several months, enough to question the real efficiency of carpooling radars. Recall that from May, traveling alone on these reserved routes will expose you to a fine of 135 euros. What encourage the most rebellious to respect the rules.
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